Monday, December 14, 2009

Final Reflection

Alexandra Querrard

Akelya Silver

Writing Studio

Final Writing

In Ms. Akelya Silver's freshman college writing studio, I have improved in my writing tremendously. I've improved from my writing to my spelling, to the fluency of words and to the lengths in which I can write. This semester has helped me improve in all aspects of writing.

In high school I was often very shy, I didn't speak much, and my writing was poor in the words of my high school teachers. They always have said that I have potential but have never really gotten a chance to out it on paper. While attending Ringling, my college writing studio professor Ms Akeyla Silver gave me motivation, she gave me compliments to help me move forward with my writing. She also helped lower my anxiety in front of the class during presentations slightly. I will always have anxiety but with the classroom environment it helped provide a place where I was less nervous in front of people.

One of my favorite assignments was the description assignment, the first formal paper. We went to the Ringling art gallery and observed Wendel Minors drawings and drew what we saw. It really helped with my descriptions on what I saw in front of me. It helped me expand on my observing paintings and drawings. With the help of my professor I gained what I information I needed to write the paper, and with my imagination and encouragement from my teacher wrote a successful paper. One paper I did not particularly like some of the discussion post online. Some of them were a little confusing and left me blank without any explanation as to what I had just read leaving it without a point to read it. I didn't understand the discussion some days the next day in class, so the online discussions were my least favorite out of the class.

In my blog for this final class review I decided to pick the pieces which best describe how my writing has improved as well as picking the ones which I find have the most valuable writing in it. I choose those pieces also because they were my favorite and most meaningful to my class time at Ringling's writing studio class. Ringling has and is helping me grow as a person and helping me find myself as well as helping me find what Im suppose to be doing in life. Ringling as a whole has meet my expectations and more. This school is really giving me chances, and giving me a opportunity to expand upon myself. As I go through my years at Ringling, and I keep writing throughout the years I will always remember Ms. Akelya Silver's freshman writing studio class and how it helped me move forward with my writing.

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